There are times I really get tired of my job. You probably know the feeling; you wake up one particular morning and your head hurts at the prospect of another day at the office.
While I may occasionally voice my frustrations and have days when all I want is to lounge in bed watching TV, I never have to fear that my job will put me in danger.
This is something worth appreciating, even if it’s not a thought we often entertain. It’s easy to overlook the fact that some professions are not only mentally demanding but also pose real risks to those who pursue them.
Firefighting is one such profession. I believe firefighters don’t receive enough recognition for the courage they display just by showing up for their shifts. Recently, a photo has been circulating online that highlights the incredible bravery of firefighters and sheds light on the extreme conditions they sometimes face.
As a child, I aspired to be a firefighter—assuming my NBA dreams didn’t materialize—but now I’m quite content to let others take on that role.
You can call it cowardice, but I can’t imagine anything I’d dread more than rushing into a burning building.